Wednesday, May 13, 2015

2923 to 2937.9 Miles: Complete Segment 43. New Metronome 5/8/15

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The route continues through the Black Hills National Forest. There is a gas station about a third of the way through the route and a campground where the route turns east.

If doing a real hike, call ahead to be certain the gas station is open.
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I bought a Shar Professional quartz metronome for about $24,95. So far, it has lasted about 20 hours on one nine-volt battery.

The only bad thing is the tempos are ...112, 116, 120, 126, 132... These are a little far apart for walking, but 116 or 120 works well for me. If I wanted to slowly increase my stride rate, I'd use the metronome on the Anadroid.

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